Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Winter Late in New York

Winter still hasn't yet arrived in the financial super house of New York. The temperature in New York has stayed high. The winter is coming late in New York. Thanksgiving weekend is at our doorstep, and for many of us the first thanksgiving without a jacket. This week as been in generally 10-20*C which is much hotter then it was last year at the same time. Reaction to this late winter mixed. With the relatively warm November higher wind speeds have been high in. Manhattan

Ireland Government Collapses

On Monday they were a lot of protesters. The UK has offered to help them with a few billion dollars but the UK is in debt themselves. Ireland has been a big. News item recently because of their bad economic situation. The IMF has also been assisting in Irelands recovery. Other countries like Spain and Portugal also have pretty bad economies.

Go to nytimes.com to read more.